Gaslighting: How Resilience-Focused Therapies Can Help

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Hello beautiful soul,

Narcissistic abuse has a profound effect on both the brain and the body. The constant manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional assault can lead to severe psychological distress. Your brilliantly wired brain has been subjected to relentless confusion and self-doubt.

My clients tend to downplay the verbal abuse they’ve endured. But toxic words and actions can alter your perception of reality, causing you to question your worth, sanity, and existence. This emotional rollercoaster can quickly lead to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and C-PTSD.

In your journey of healing, resilience will be your guiding light. I am here to offer you a free guide that outlines what I have found to be the best resilience-based strategies to confront relational trauma. Within this guide, you will discover the transformative power of evidence-based therapies. From EMDR to IFS to forms of psychedelic-assisted therapy, you will learn what tools and techniques can help you reclaim your sense of self, rebuild your self-esteem, and establish healthy boundaries.

Download the guide!

Remember, dear one, that healing is not a linear process. It is a tender dance of self-discovery, self-compassion, and self-love. Click the link in the comments to download this gift from me to you.

With love,



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